Edenilso Rossi Arnaldi: Building Work Before and After COVID-19

Edenilso Rossi Arnaldi has witnessed the growth of Brazil. He owns and operates Sial Engineering. The firm develops and builds mass infrastructure, government projects, and neighborhoods. When he first established the business, he began building sewer facilities. These projects eventually led to larger government structures. Some of the reasons Edenilso Rossi Arnaldi captured the attention of community leaders was because of his commitment to service and quality work. He developed a reputation for being a thorough businessman.

As his reputation grew, so did the business and the types of contracts he earned. Edenilso Rossi Arnaldi continued to work and develop sewer treatment operations, and he branched out into residential work. His crew worked on housing that was specifically set aside for use in public assistance programs. Typically, governments or grants fund these, but that varies from project to project and city.

Next on Edenilso Rossi Arnaldi’s list was hospitals. These are unique structures that require extensive engineering because of the specialized workload each area processes. The engineering firm also tackled buildings for detainees. Planners design these structures for temporary or semi-permanent retention, requiring a different skill and knowledge base than the hospital work. Edenilso Rossi Arnaldi’s expertise shines through in this endeavor also, and his company’s work ethic and style began to get more attention on the federal level. The team still checks on community projects, such as green spaces, parks, and public areas.

Ten years after opening the doors for business, Edenilso Rossi Arnaldi moved the firm to a new town. Transplanting the operation to a new venue proved to be fruitful because the work continued to multiply. At this point, Edenilso Rossi Arnaldi took the time to become involved with unions and associations. Although he was busy with all of the construction projects, he felt it was necessary to be involved in the industry on a collaborative level. Participating with these groups allows leaders to keep in touch with what is happening on every scene ranging from the ground crew to legislation.

Edenilso Rossi Arnaldi participates in Brazil on a personal level by developing real property for families. Doing this can increase a communities’ wealth and build a strong foundation for the country to grow from. To do this, he opened up to separate business entities. With his tactical knowledge of business, operating two more offices is challenging but doable.

Sial Engineering is still active despite the current crisis. The pandemic has slowed pockets of the industry. Edenilso Rossi Arnaldi has forged ahead and developed a new business model that helps restaurants, and other hospitality centered businesses, feed and safely entertain their guests. The crews are constructing and remodeling eateries to meet the new social spacing and occupancy standards. In some settings, they are building separation walls and glass partitions. Guests need to be separated, but that does not mean they have to sit in a bland environment.

Like Sial Engineering, companies must keep moving ahead to keep people safe, employed, and businesses open. Over the years, Edenilso Rossi Arnaldi has continually adapted to new conditions and requirements.